Business Model
Business Model
When you are moving traditional business into online by using website, a good online business model is important to make sure you website is build efficiently to accomodate current website user behaviour. Our business model consultation will guide you to switch your business model to have a efficient website on it.

Expansion Strategy
Expansion Strategy
When it come to online business and website business strategy, repeatable business model is important to grow and occupy market share. We will help you to design your expansion as well while you are on the Advance Business Coaching Programme.

Referral Marketing
Referral Marketing
The power of online website business is it can be scale up easily. It is the same while referring to your website customer database, we will share with you the most effective referral marketing method that can minimized your advertising budget while still growing with new customers.

Every one try to do a website copy of well known business such as Grab, Uber, Lazada, etc. We will guaranteed that you can have a 90% fail rate base on our experience. In the Advance Coaching Programme, we will help you to get your business positioning to outbeat your competitor.

Online Marketing
Online Marketing
Online marketing for website is never a simple job just to buy ads in many social media platform. You have to keep track of your customer behaviour and design a series of marketing activities to guaranteed a maximum income of your ads expenditure.

Budget Planning
Budget Planning
It is said to known that up to 20% of customer in the web design market fail with their first project after spending over 100k in their development. We always plan and advise accordingly to prevent our customer to have a total loss of their project.